Assigned Documents

How to Review Assigned Documents

As a Web Admin, if you have assigned a document to a user to review, you can see the user’s progress and review status by clicking Administration, Documents then clicking the Assigned Documents tab.

From here, you can see their review status indicated near the right side of the table.

  • Assigned means the user has not downloaded the document yet.
  • Submitted means they have finished their review and that they agree with the content of the document.

You can filter the assigned documents by using the Filter button.

You can also view all documents assigned to one user by selecting that user from the Users List and then clicking the Documents tab.

Documents with the Assigned Status

Any document you see with the assigned status means the document has been assigned out for completion and has yet to be completed either on web or mobile device.

When on the mobile app, a red notification by the documents will appear. When tapped on, these show up with a “to do” tag and are ready to be reviewed and signed.

See Assigning Documents for more information

Documents with Submitted Status

Any document you see with submitted status is a record of a completed document review. To see the signatures attached, click on the pencil icon to view the document and the signatures.

You can click the export icon to download the completed document with the signatures.

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