Publish and Unpublish Documents

How to Publish / Unpublish Documents

When a new document is uploaded, only web admins can see the document within 1Life Platform. For regular users to see the document in 1Life Platform or in the mobile app, the document needs to be published.

To publish a document, click Administration then select Documents from the drop down menu. Click on the eye icon in the actions section for the given document to immediately change the published / unpublished state. 

Next time a mobile user syncs their device, they will get access to all newly published documents, and unpublished documents will be removed from their mobile device.

Documents have two states they can be in:

  1. Published – indicated by a “green eye” beside the document name. Anyone can view the documents in 1Life Platform and the mobile application.
  2. Unpublished – indicated by an “orange eye” beside the document name. Only web administrators can see the document in 1Life Platform.
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