Custom Input Fields

Web administrators can now add up to 3 customized user fields for better record keeping, reporting and additional information. You pick the information you would like to be able to add to your users for better reporting.

To Create your fields:

  1. Navigate to Administration - Settings
  2. Click on the Custom User Fields
  3. Here you will see 3 blanks, enter the information you want to collect. You can reorder by dragging the fields.
  4. Click Save.

To View your fields:

  1. Navigate to Administration - Users
  2. Click on a specific user name - Here you will see your new fields below the hire date, in the order you have arranged the fields.

To Edit Your Fields:

  1. Option 1:
    1. In the screen above you can click edit and add the information to the individual user
    2. click save.
  2. Option 2:
    1. Administation - Users then click on the Mass edit users icon

    2. Select all users (up to 100) or use your filters and narrow the results down and click next.
    3. Navigate to the 4th tab - Custom User Fields

    4. Here you can enter individual information or use the Global Edit to add information to all.
    5. Once complete, click on Save and Done.

To Pull Information by your Fields:

  1. In the Administration - Users page, click on Filter
  2. You will see your new fields at the bottom of the filter.
  3. You can search by fields 1 AND 2 or individually.
  4. Once you have applied the filter, you can export the information into an Excel document by clicking on the export button.
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