Mass Update/Edit Users

You can update and edit users by navigating to the Administration, Users page and clicking on the Mass Edit Users button.

You will be able to filter your users by Supervisor, Group, Hire Date, User Added and by permissions, as well as select specific users or all users. NOTE: 100 Users can be updated at a time.

Once you have selected your users, select Next on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

Depending on what you need to update (Details & Permissions, Supervisor & Credentials, and/ or Emergency Contact) you can navigate to the different tabs across the top.

The Details and Permissions screen has scroll bars both horizontally and vertically for you to see all of your selected people and all of the columns.

You can individually update the fields or you can globally update the title, hire date, and permissions.

Complete your changes and select Save & Next to navigate to the next screen.

Global options on this screen include supervisor, password, and sending credentials.

To Add/Remove Supervisors

  1. Click on the button Add/Remove Supervisors

  2. Add select the supervisors from the drop-down menu to add (top option) or to remove (bottom option)
  3. Click Apply to All

To Global Update Password & Send Credentials

  1. Click on the Password and Send button.
  2. Type in the password or click the generate password icon. Note: if you type in the password, the user will not see the password in the Send Credentials email
  3. Click in the checkbox for the send credentials to all users with valid emails.

Once complete, click on Save & Next to navigate to Emergency Contacts.

Each user can have up to three emergency contacts added to them. Click on the Add Emergency Contacts button

Once complete, click on Save & Done.

Groups can not be mass-edited from the mass-edited feature and can be managed through Administration, Users, Sub Menu - Groups.

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