How to use Course Builder


Section 1: Overview / Introduction

Welcome to 1LifeSoftware . In this video we will go through the new Course Builder and show you how to create a new course, build all the interactive slides, create an exam and finally how to publish and assign your new course.  

Let’s get started! 

Section 2: Creating a new course

To create a new course, first click the ‘Add Course’ button above the list of courses in the menu on the left of the main course builder screen. 

Enter the name of the training course, for our example we'll be making a Hazard Awareness Training course. Then click ‘Add’ to save our course. 

This new course will now be listed in the course menu. 

TIP: If you do not see it you may need to use the pagination controls at the bottom of the menu to move to the next page, or you can search for your course by name using the search option near the top of the menu. 

With our new course selected we can see the course details, this page includes an overview of all the basic settings for the course, an outline of all the slides within the course, and the exam outline for us to easily review the course without needing to edit the course. 

Back at the ‘General’ tab, using the action buttons along the bottom of the screen is how we will start to build the course. click the ‘Edit’ button to enter the slide builder and start making the main content of the training course! 

After clicking ‘Edit’ we will first have the options to change the name of the course, enter the course description, which will be displayed on the certificate, and additional settings for the course. When finished scroll to the bottom of the page and click the ‘Save’ button to accept our changes. 

Now we are ready to start building new slides!

Section 3: Creating a new slide (slide types overview)

To create a new slide, we first need to make a chapter for that slide to go inside of. Click ‘Add Chapter’ at the top of the ‘Course Content’ menu, then enter a name for our chapter. When finished click ‘Save’ to return to the main screen. 

We can now see the new chapter listed in the ‘course content’ menu, to rename the chapter, click the edit pencil icon to the left of the chapter name. Once the chapter contains slides we can expand and collapse it using the arrow on the far right. 

If we click the three dots icon, it will open additional options for this chapter, and give us the options to ‘Add (a) New Slide’ or ‘Delete (the) Chapter’. 

Let’s click the ‘Add New Slide’ button. 

This opens up the window to add a new slide and gives us several options to choose from. First there are four sections along the top sorting the slides into their main categories. 

We have: Basic slides, Game slides, Audio slides, and Video slides. 

To start we will be creating a basic slide and will choose the ‘Title Slide’ template. We will still need to enter the name of our slide, as this is the first slide in our course, we can use the same name. Then click ‘Add’ to save the new slide. 

The new slide is now listed in the ‘Course Content’ menu and can be either edited or deleted. To edit the slide simply click on that row within the menu. 

This process for creating new chapters and slides will be the same for all the slide types and variations, though the building or editing process for each slide will be different. 

We will now go through how to edit all the individual slide types, starting with the ‘Title Slide’ we just created.  

Section 4: Creating Basic slides 

Title Slide

With the title slide selected from the ‘Course Content’ menu, we can see that the slide is displayed in two primary sections, the slide name, and the slide content. 

If we edit the ‘Slide Name’, this is what will show up in the ‘Course Content’ menu and will also show as the slide name in the ‘Course Outline’. This will be the same for all following slide types, so going forward we will be primarily focused with the ‘Slide Content’ section. 

For the title slide, the ‘Slide Content’ has one text field that we can change. Simply clicking in the text displayed in this area will open a text editing sub menu and place the text cursor to allow for the text to be changed. 

The text editing sub menu contains simple options for formatting the text including many of the most common features, such as bold, italic, or underlining the text, changing the font type and size, changing the text color, highlighting the text, adding a link, changing the text alignment from left, centered, or right aligned, and an option to clear the formatting. This will be the same for many text editing areas on future slide types. 

Once we have entered the text as required we can save our changes by clicking the save button located at the bottom right of the slide content area. 

We have now built our first slide!  

Title Slide (Subtitle)

Next we are going to add the Title Slide with subtitle. We start by opening the chapter options and selecting ‘Add New Slide’. We will enter a name for our slide. Then select the ‘Title Slide (Subtitle)’ template, and click ‘Add’. The slide content for this slide is similar to the title slide, but has one additional text field for you to add additional information for your slide. Such as ‘Chapter 1 - Introduction’ as the title and ‘What is Hazard Awareness?’ as the sub title. Once we have entered our text, we can save our changes by clicking the save button located at the bottom right of the slide content area, and move on to the next slide. 

Basic Text (No Image)

This time we will add a new slide using the ‘Basic Text (No Image)’ template. This slide has the same text editing sub menu for formatting your text, but with more room for you to add as much text as you need. 

Best practice would be keeping the length of the slide content close to the current height of the slide itself, so that your information is delivered in small but understandable pieces. However if you add more text, the height of the slide will always resize to fit the content. 

Always remember to save any changes by clicking the save button. 

Basic Text (Image Left / Right / Center)

The next slide templates we will look at are the ‘Basic Text’ with Image slides. There are three different layouts for this slide but all three of them will function the same way, so we can cover how to build them together. The slide content will now contain two different areas, one which is the same text editing area, the other is built for an image. 

Clicking on the image will open a new sub menu with an option to edit the image itself, from here you can upload a new image by clicking the icon in the ‘Source’ section. You can also add additional information such as a description, title, or size constraints for the image.

When finished click Save

The image will now be displayed along with your text but will be positioned either right, left or centered, depending on which slide template was selected. *(will show visual examples of all three) 

Custom Slide

The last basic slide template is the ‘Custom’ Slide. This slide is similar to the Basic text slides, however the sub menu has many more options for formatting the slide. These additional options include the ability to add an image and position it directly within the text, add a custom table, bullet points or number lists, and indentation options. 

There is also a preview button which will allow you to see what the final version of your slide would look like. This preview window contains two toggle options to change the display of the slide, for mobile, or desktop viewers.

This preview window will be on many of the following game types and will always function in this way. Click ‘OK’ to close the slide preview. Next we will cover how to build the game slides.

Section 5: Creating Game slides

Multiple Choice

The first game slide template is the ‘Multiple choice’ game. This slide content has several areas we can interact with to build the slide. First is the text area, this is the same advanced text editor as displayed in the custom slide. There is a 2nd textarea at the bottom of the slide content area which will display text below the game.

All the other game slides have two text areas like this and they will function in the same way. If we click ‘Add Question’, new options are added to the slide content which will allow us to create the multiple choice questions and add additional choices to each one. There are delete options beside any question or choice which will allow you to remove them. Here is an example of what a completed multiple choice slide would look like with several questions. 

We can preview the slide, for both desktop and mobile viewers, and then click save to accept our changes and save the slide. 

Fill in the Blanks

The next game slide is the ‘Fill in the Blanks’ game, this slide content also has the text areas above and below the game, but has different option buttons to build the game itself. Fill in the blanks games will need to have text added before and often after a blank, for example if we take the statement “Safety is about the control of incident loss to people, property, process, and the environment.” 

We could build this into a fill in the blanks game by first adding a text option, and entering the first part of the sentence up until the blank we want to create. Let’s make the word ‘People’ as the option to fill in, so we will stop the sentence there. 

We will then click ‘Add blank’ and add the word ‘people’ as the option to be filled in. and then will add another text option to fill in the remainder of the sentence. If we wanted to add wrong answers we could do so by clicking ‘Add Bad Answer’ or if we wanted to add another fill in the blank sentence to this game, we could add a ‘Extra Space’ and see a dotted line divider indicating a blank space will be added there. 

We can always move around these options by clicking on the icon to the left of any option to rearrange it on the page. We can preview our slide at any time to see how it looks and make sure it is correctly built, and then save our slide when we are finished. 

Drag & Drop Groups

The next game slide is the ‘Drag and Drop Groups’ game. Let’s start by adding a new group to the main content of the slide, by clicking ‘Add Group’. We can set the name of the group using the new text area, and we can also add answers for this group by typing them in beside the checkbox icon below that group. 

TIP: You can add as many groups and answers as you need, but it is recommended to not have more than three groups per slide. Once we have added all the groups and their respective answers, we can preview the side to see how it looks before saving our slide. 

Checkboxes (Multi-Select)

The next slide is the Checkboxes game. This game is a multi select game with multiple right or wrong answers. We can start building the game content by clicking ‘Add Question’. A new text area has been added and it defaults to being a wrong answer. We can toggle this by checking the box beside the text area and see the text change to display that it is now labeled as a correct answer. 

TIP: You can add as many right or wrong answers as you need for this game, and the student will have to select all the ones marked as correct in order to pass the game and move on to the next slide. Let’s preview the slide and then save our changes before we move on to the next slide. 

Sequence (Put in Order)

The next slide is the Sequence game. This game requires the student to put items in their correct order. To start, click ‘Add Item’. There are two spaces for each item, the ‘step’ and the ‘answer’. The ‘step’ refers to the value of the position, and can normally be either numbers like ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ or could be other terms like ‘First’ ‘Second’ or ‘Last’. The ‘Answer’ would then be the longer description for what would need to be placed in the respective step. These answers will be the items that the student will need to move into the space provided to complete the game. 

Tip: You can add as many sequence items as needed but it is best to preview the slide regularly to ensure that it will still function well on mobile, if the slide is getting too long it might be best to break the content into two separate slides. 

Image Match

The next slide is the Image Match game. After clicking ‘Add Item’ we can see a row with two new areas, one for the image and another for the answer. Clicking the trash can icon will remove both of these. Clicking on the image will allow you to upload an image in the same way as we did before during the basic text slides. 

The Answer space is where you would go to put the description for the image. This will become the object that the student has to match to the correct picture to complete the game. 

Tip: You can add as many images as required, but it is recommended to stay at 6 images or less per slide. If you have more than 6 images to match it is better to create multiple slides so the games are easier to solve each time and work well on mobile devices. 

This completes the creation of the game slides, and we can now move on to the next section. 

Section 6: Creating Audio Slides

Audio Slide

The next slide template we will use is in the Audio section, and is the ‘Audio Slide’. The slides content is very simple and only contains the audio player. Clicking within that area will allow you to reposition the player, upload the source audio file, and the slide preview is available by clicking on the eye icon. 

We will click the player icon to upload a new audio file.

Select the upload icon to choose a file from your computer, then click save. The final slide will contain the same default slide backgrounds and will display the audio player in the position selected. Always click save to apply any changes before moving to the next slide. 

Audio & Text

The next slide is the audio & text slide, this slide contains the same audio player as the basic audio slide, but also includes the basic text area above so we may enter text to go along with the audio file.  

Audio Custom

The next slide is the Audio Custom slide, this slide has additional options and audio player controls, but also includes the advanced text editor sub menu for additional content to be placed along with the audio player. The loop option will continue to play the selected audio file as long as the student is on the slide. 

The show player option will either hide or show the audio controls so the audio can play in the background. The preview button will show you what the current state of the slide with all the player settings will look like.

Section 7: Creating Video slides

Video Slide

The final section of slides are the Video Slides. These slides are very similar to the audio slides, and will contain the video player with a similar set of sub menu items. We can upload our source video file using the first icon.

If you have the video file on your computer you can upload it using the upload icon in the general tab, but if you would like to include a video from YouTube, simply paste the embed code found in the YouTube share menu options into the Embed tab, then click save. 

Video & Text

The final slide is the video and text slide, this slide contains the same basic text editing options and allows for text to be added before the video player. The video player and upload controls work the exact same as in the previous slide. 

Always remember to save your changes before moving on. We have now finished building all the slides and can move on to creating the exam.

Section 8: Creating the Exam

Now that we have created all the slides within the course and covered all the different slide types, we can now build the exam. Click the ‘Exam’ button on the top right of the course builder, above the slide content area. Similar to the course builder, the exam builder starts with general information which we can set for this specific course including the minimum score, the number of attempts and the time limit. 

Click ‘Add Question’ to open the window where we can type the first exam question. When finished click ‘Save’ to create the question. We can now see the question with a space below to add the answers. If you need to edit your question you can do so by clicking into the space at the top of this page where the question is displayed. 

To add an answer click ‘Add Answer’ and type in the option into the space provided. If this option is the correct answer, check that box, if not just leave it blank. When finished click ‘Add’ to save the answer. This answer is now listed in the table and will display a check mark if it is the correct answer. There are also options beside the answer to edit or delete it if needed. We can add as many different answers as required, but only one may be marked as the correct answer. 

When finished click ‘Save’ to fully save the question and all answers. Now with our question saved we can click ‘Add Question’ again and start adding the next question. Be sure to always click the final save button at the bottom of each question after making any changes or edits to a question or its answers. 

Section 9: Publishing a course

Once our course content and exam have both been built, we can now publish and assign the course. First we need to return to the main course builder screen by clicking the ‘Back to Course Builder’ link near the top of the page, then with our course selected at the bottom of the general tab we will see the option to publish the course.

NOTE: Please ensure the course information is added to the course prior to publishing so that it will be visible on the training certificates.  Clicking this option will prompt you with an additional confirmation as if this course is available for self enrollment it will be immediately available for any students.  

Section 10: Assigning a Course

Once a course has been published it can now be assigned, to do this first navigate to the courses page, then click ‘View Details’ beside the selected course. This will display the list of students along with their respective certificate status, completion date if completed, and options to unassign the course, view additional details, or send an email reminder for unfinished courses. 

Click ‘Assign Course’ to then select the student from your list of employees within the 1Life Software. After the employees have been selected, click Assign. If the ‘Send Email Notification' toggle was turned on, this will also send a notification email to each selected employee.

Section 11: Managing Certificates / Training Records

Once a training course has been completed, their certificate of completion can be found by clicking on the more information option, then selecting ‘Download’ beside the certificate option.  

Section 12: Outro

Thank you for watching this tutorial video, if you have any questions please contact us and we will be happy to assist you further. Have a safe and wonderful day! 

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