How to Manage Training Requests and Auto Enrollment
If in the Course Settings, the “ALLOW USERS TO SELF-ENROLL IN THIS COURSE” toggle is off, employees can request to enroll in the courses by clicking the MENU button and accessing the Course Library.
The employees then can click the REQUEST button by the course they want to enroll in, and either select a Web Administrator(s) they would like to notify by email, or simply click the SEND REQUEST button.
How to Approve Course Requests
Clicking the Requests subpage from the menu will display a list of any employees within the system who have requested enrollment into one of the available courses. You can either accept the request, which will automatically assign the course to that employee, or reject it which will delete the request.
Clicking the green checkmark accepts the request and assigns the course while clicking the red X will reject it and does not assign any training.