Form Watchers

We’ve introduced an awesome new feature in forms!

This new feature allows you to add watchers to a particular form template.

When a user submits a form template, an email will be sent notifying all the users attached as watchers to that template.

This can be especially useful:

  • HR or other departments to be notified
  • Third party to be notified

How to set up watchers:

To get started, navigate to ‘forms’, then ‘my form templates’.

Click on the name of the template you want to add a watcher to, this will take you to the form builder page.

Below the ‘description’ field you will see the ‘watcher’ field

Select ‘add employees’ and your 1Life software employee list will appear. Simply click ‘add’ beside the employees name you wish to add as a watcher (you can select multiple people at one time). Click ‘confirm’ to save your changes.

The Notification email will be sent from


  • an email will not be sent if you are the one who submitted the form
  • adding watchers will only affect new form submissions on mobile devices
    • updating/reviewing a form will not trigger email notification
    • forms submitted through scheduler will not trigger an email notification
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