How to Edit/ Create a Form Template

How to Edit/Create a Form

The form templates are found on the right-hand side. By each of the templates, you will see several action icons:

  • Click the edit pencil icon to view / edit the form
  • Click the Copy icon to duplicate the form
  • Click the eye icon to publish / unpublish the form
  • Click the download icon to download a PDF of the form
  • Click the up/down arrows to reposition the form in the group
  • Click the trash can to delete the form

To be able to view your form template, click on the title of it.

To add a new form template, click on the add button to create a new form in that group. This will then open your new form.

On the top of the form, you will be able to change the group the template is housed within, change the template name, and add a description.

You can also add watchers. Watchers will be notified by email anytime this form template has been filled out. They are not required to sign off but will be notified.

On the right-hand side, you can choose whose signature is mandatory on the form, allow for the additional hazards to be visible on the bottom of the form, allow the form to be duplicated, if the form is to be private, and if form tags can be added.

Be sure to click the Save button to commit your changes.

Form questions or Elements are grouped into sections, similar to how documents within the Document Library are grouped. To add a new section, click + Add New Section, type in the name of your section, then click save. You can edit the section name at any time, move it up or down the list, or delete it by clicking the respective buttons when hovering over any specific section.

Once you have created your sections, click Add Question on the new section then select the type of element you would like to create. Each different element type gets answered differently when one the mobile app.

Inspection Items have a ‘Pass/Fail/Not Applicable’ selection and in the event of a failure, you will be prompted to ‘Add a Corrective Action’ to the specific hazard. From the ‘Add Corrective Action’ screen, you can set it as having been resolved or unresolved, which means the supervisor will be notified under requiring their attention that there is an unresolved corrective action for them to address. You can also describe the hazard control, assign it to a different supervisor, rank the probability and frequency and add any image or other comments if needed. Once you have filled in the information tap ‘Save’ to return to filling out the form.

Text Fields are simply areas that allow for the individual filling out the form to type a response as per the instructions in the name and description of the element.

Checkboxes are elements that are not mandatory and only require the individual to check the box pending the conditions described in the specific elements have been met.

Yes / No elements are elements that require the individual to respond with a yes, no, or not applicable answer and can provide comments or description if desired.

Common Hazards are elements that will either be present or not applicable. If they are present, you will be prompted to ‘Add a Corrective Action’ in the same manner as Inspection items.

Instruction elements are simply text that you have included in the form as an extra note that is not specifically relating to any other form element.

Drop Down - Single Select are elements that give you the ability to select a single answer from a pre-built list

Drop Down - Multi Select are elements that give you the ability to select multiple answers from a pre-built list

Date is an element that allows you to pick a specific date instead of typing it out.

Time is an element that allows you to pick a specific time instead of typing it out.

PDF is an element that allows you to attach a PDF to your form template as a guide or reference for the users filling the form

Image is an element that allows you to attach a picture to your form template as a guide or reference for the users filling the form

Once you have filled in all the information on your element, press the checkmark to add it.

After you have added all your elements and sections it is time to publish the form so it can now be viewed by the users. You can navigate back to Form Templates, locate your form, and click the orange ‘Not Published’ eye button to toggle its state and publish the form.

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