By default, when you click on Forms from the Administration drop down menu, you will see a list of completed forms (Filled Out Forms). The other sub-tabs include:
- Form Templates - all your templates you have created and added from the tab Ready-Made Templates
- Form Tags - your simplified “sub-folder” in your forms filing cabinet
- Form Exporter - the tool used to export forms
- Mass Finalize - the tool used to finalize multiple forms at once
- Mass Archive - the tool used to archive multiple forms at once
Form Status
Forms that are in draft state and have not yet been submitted to the system. Draft forms can be accessed only by the person who saved them and in the case of mobile devices, only on the mobile device they are using.
Assigned (To Do) Forms:
Any form you see with the assigned state is an outstanding form. The form has been scheduled out for completion and has yet to be completed. See How to Use Scheduler in this document for more information on To Do Forms.
On the web tool, as a web admin, forms sent through the Scheduler will appear under the Filled out Forms tab.
When on the mobile app, a red notification under the Requiring My Attention line will appear. When tapped on, these show up with a To Do tag and are ready to be reviewed and signed.
Forms that have been completed by signature filled out.
Supervisor has reviewed and signed, but has yet to action.
Forms can no longer be edited by any party.
How to View Filled out Forms
On the left hand side of the screen, or on a smaller screen as an icon, you will see the filter options. Simply checking a box will narrow your results in the current view. To remove your filters, press Clear filters at the top of the filter section.
The table header contains the title of the view, edit columns, date range and the total number of results.
Filled out Forms View
Every web admin has preloaded default views as pictured below. By clicking on the arrow by the title, you can select one of the default views, or to access your custom and saved views . Once an option is selected, the results will be displayed on the page.
Editing and Reordering Columns
The columns icon enables you to edit your results even further. You can choose to add or remove columns by selecting or deselecting the checkbox beside the column labels.
On the right side of the Column tab, you can also click and drag each column label to decide their orientation on the Filled-out Form page.
Remember to hit save when you’re done to apply the changes.
Each filled out form must have a project specified, which will show up on this page. You can click the name of the project on any form to view that project and all documents / forms that are associated with this project.
The calendar enables you to filter data within a certain date range. You can either use the default date range available or customize the date range to meet your requirement. The All time option can be used to find all the filled out forms for your company.
Columns and Filters
Each column filter can sort A-Z or Z-A , search for specific data using the search box, and/or select specific data by clicking the checkbox. You can also clear the filtered results by selecting the Reset filter icon at the bottom.
When you add filter items in the column, or change the date range or use the side filters, your results will only include the items contained in the current table if you were to select an additional column filter or return to the initial column.
Clicking reset filters will clear off all filters and return you to the view you were on.
All columns contain filters with the exception of the following;
Created Date - by default you are always seeing the newest form on top, but the order can be changed by clicking on the title.
Information - includes icons
Audit (checkmark) - has not been modified in over 8 days (clock), Unresolved Hazard(s) (red exclamation mark), Resolved Hazard(s)(green exclamation mark), and Private Form (lock). All of these items can be filtered using the side filters.
Status - filters for status are contained in the side filters. The column can be sorted A-Z or Z-A
How to Save and Delete a View
Any time you alter a view, you will see the view title change to Custom and the Save view will become clickable.
In a save view, you can save any filter - side or columns, date range, columns and order of columns to anything you need to see again. Once you have your items,
- Click on Save View.
- Add a name for your view.
- Click Save once complete.
You can access your saved view by simply clicking on the arrow near the view title. You can also delete your view by simply clicking on the x. You will be prompted to confirm.
How to Export to an Excel Spreadsheet
1Life Platform includes options to export to an Excel spreadsheet (.xls). Clicking the Export button will download the current page’s information..
NOTE: If you had filters applied, the export button will ONLY download the information that is available in your table. The unique ID of the form will also be included in this download.
How to View a Form
To view a Filled out Form, simply click on the title of the form.
This will display all the questions and respective answers, along with action buttons at the top of the page where you can audit the form, lock the form, take ownership of the form and download the form.
How to Audit a Filled out Form
- Click the name of the form to view it
- Click the Audit Form button
- Previous Auditors will be listed here
- Click Audit Form
- Enter your comments
- Click Confirm
Set a Form to Private / Public
- Click the name of the form to view it
- Click the lock / Unlock icon
Take Ownership of a Form
- Click the name of the form to view it
- Click the take ownership button
Assign a Form
- Click the name of the form to view it
- Click the assign form button
- Search for any user by name
- Filter the users by type using the tabs
- Click Select to assign the form
Finalize a Filled out Form
- Click the name of the form to view it
- Click the Finalize Form button
- If there are unresolved corrective actions you will be alerted
Download a Filled out Form
- Click the name of the form to view it
- Click the download button to export the form
Note if you have pictures attached or an audit you will see the following options
- Download – providing a complete copy of your form
- Download High Resolution – providing a high resolution beneficial for forms containing pictures
- Download with Audit Report – including any notes that were added in the audit report.
Download Images Only - providing a high resolution photos only
How to Push a Form Back to Mobile Device
Any form that has not been updated in 8 days will no longer be available on the mobile device. To push the form out to a mobile device, select the form and on the top, you will see the PLEASE NOTE: section. The “click here” link will push the form out to the mobile device. To view, synchronize your device.
How to Take Ownership/Reassign a Form
There may be times when a form has been assigned to someone who may not be able to complete the review and sign off on the form. In these instances, by clicking on the form, you can Take Ownership by clicking on that button..
How to Add/Remove Form Tags
In each form, you can add/remove form tags, even on completed forms.
You can change or add form tags by clicking in the forms tag field in the top part of the form. Click on the field to add the tag, and click OK at the bottom (See How to Manage Form Tags).
How to View Corrective Action
To view a corrective action, click on the form, find the hazard (will be highlighted) and click on the line: a new page will appear.
The hazard page shows the corrective action, hazard ranking, and who it has been assigned to.
Clicking the hazard will pop up a new window that contains the same information, with the same information on the top and any pictures or notes available to view.
For a larger view of the picture, click on the image. Once complete, click Close.
How to View GPS Location
You can view the sign offs by scrolling to the bottom of the page. Here you can find the signature, printed name, signed date, and show the GPS/signed location by clicking Show on Map. Each person’s signature has this option available.
If the below is seen, please inform your employees to ensure they have enabled location settings for 1Life Platform.
Form Templates
In Administration - Forms - Form Templates, you can create custom/edit electronic forms and manage the state of any identified hazards or items that need to be corrected. The way we publish forms is the same process as publishing documents and getting signatures, only now it will be for a custom-made form.
The Form Templates subtab is where you customize your forms and groups to be visible for the users. You can search both the group name and the template name. The Group is the heading that the form template will be found under. You can customize your group names and reorder them on the left-hand side of the screen.
How to Create a Form Group
- Click the plus icon at the bottom of the list of form groups
- Enter a group name
- Click Save
Form Group Actions
- Click the pencil icon to edit the form group name
- Click the up/down arrows to reorder the form groups
- Click the trash can icon to delete the form group
- Deleting a form group will also delete all attached forms.
How to Edit/Create a Form
The form templates are found on the right-hand side. By each of the templates, you will see several action icons:
- Click the edit pencil icon to view / edit the form
- Click the Copy icon to duplicate the form
- Click the eye icon to publish / unpublish the form
- Click the download icon to download a PDF of the form
- Click the up/down arrows to reposition the form in the group
- Click the trash can to delete the form
To be able to view your form template, click on the title of it.
To add a new form template, click on the add button to create a new form in that group. This will then open your new form.
On the top of the form, you will be able to change the group the template is housed within, change the template name, and add a description.
You can also add watchers. Watchers will be notified by email anytime this form template has been filled out. They are not required to sign off but will be notified.
On the right-hand side, you can choose whose signature is mandatory on the form, allow for the additional hazards to be visible on the bottom of the form, allow the form to be duplicated, if the form is to be private, and if form tags can be added.
Be sure to click the Save button to commit your changes.
Form questions or Elements are grouped into sections, similar to how documents within the Document Library are grouped. To add a new section, click + Add New Section, type in the name of your section, then click save. You can edit the section name at any time, move it up or down the list, or delete it by clicking the respective buttons when hovering over any specific section.
Once you have created your sections, click Add Question on the new section then select the type of element you would like to create. Each different element type gets answered differently when one the mobile app.
Inspection Items have a ‘Pass/Fail/Not Applicable’ selection and in the event of a failure, you will be prompted to ‘Add a Corrective Action’ to the specific hazard. From the ‘Add Corrective Action’ screen, you can set it as having been resolved or unresolved, which means the supervisor will be notified under requiring their attention that there is an unresolved corrective action for them to address. You can also describe the hazard control, assign it to a different supervisor, rank the probability and frequency and add any image or other comments if needed. Once you have filled in the information tap ‘Save’ to return to filling out the form.
Text Fields are simply areas that allow for the individual filling out the form to type a response as per the instructions in the name and description of the element.
Checkboxes are elements that are not mandatory and only require the individual to check the box pending the conditions described in the specific elements have been met.
Yes / No elements are elements that require the individual to respond with a yes, no, or not applicable answer and can provide comments or description if desired.
Common Hazards are elements that will either be present or not applicable. If they are present, you will be prompted to ‘Add a Corrective Action’ in the same manner as Inspection items.
Instruction elements are simply text that you have included in the form as an extra note that is not specifically relating to any other form element.
Drop Down - Single Select are elements that give you the ability to select a single answer from a pre-built list
Drop Down - Multi Select are elements that give you the ability to select multiple answers from a pre-built list
Date is an element that allows you to pick a specific date instead of typing it out.
Time is an element that allows you to pick a specific time instead of typing it out.
PDF is an element that allows you to attach a PDF to your form template as a guide or reference for the users filling the form
Image is an element that allows you to attach a picture to your form template as a guide or reference for the users filling the form
Once you have filled in all the information on your element, press the checkmark to add it.
After you have added all your elements and sections it is time to publish the form so it can now be viewed by the users. You can navigate back to Form Templates, locate your form, and click the orange ‘Not Published’ eye button to toggle its state and publish the form.
How to Import a Form Template
- Click the Import From Library button
- Search for a specific form using the search bar
- Select the form by clicking the corresponding checkbox
- Click Import to accept your selections and import the forms
How to Manage Form Tags
Form Tags are labels that a mobile user can attach to their forms. Here is where we can filter for the metadata within those filled out forms.
- Click Administration
- Click Forms from the drop down menu
- Click Form Tags from the list of tabs
Form Tag Actions
- Search for a form tag using the search bar
- Click the plus icon to add a new tag
- Click the folder icon to add a new form tag group
- Click the filter icon to filter by name, group or status
- Click the download icon to export all the form tags
How to Add a New Form Tag
- Click Administration
- Click Forms from the drop down menu
- Click Form Tags from the list of tabs
- Click the plus icon
- Enter a name for the tag
- Enter the tags description
- Select a group to store the tag within
- Click Save to accept your changes and create the new form tag
Form Exporter
- Click Administration
- Click Forms from the drop down menu
- Click Form Exporter from the list of tabs
- This will open the 1Life Form Tools, another application used to manage your Forms.
- Click New Export Job and follow the prompts to select which forms you wish to export
- Give your export a title, then click Next.
- Type in the name of the form you are looking for.
- You can also select certain projects from the drop-down menu.
- The list of forms will appear toward the bottom of the screen. You can choose specific forms by clicking in the box beside the form name or select all by clicking in the box at the top of the chart.
- Alternatively, to the right side, you will see a quick click option to add all forms or just a selected few by clicking on the icons with the number in a bubble.
- The form selections will move into the right-hand column, so click Next.
- A best practice is to select Email me once the job is completed, depending on the number of forms being exported this can take some time to zip.
- Enter the email address in the required field, then click the person silhouette with the + sign.
- Click Start Export.
- You will be taken back to the form batcher window and can view the progress of your export. (In progress, done, canceled, not started, expired)
How to Mass Finalize Forms
Mass Finalizing Forms tool allows you to mass finalize forms that have yet to be finalized and are still showing on your reports.
To access this feature, hover over the Tools tab and select Form Tools from the subtab menu. At the top of the screen, you will see exported forms, if you scroll down, you will see the Finalized Forms feature.
- Click Administration
- Click Forms from the drop down menu
- Click Mass Finalize from the list of tabs
- This will open the 1Life Form Tools, another application used to manage your Forms.
- Click New Finalize Job and enter a name for this job.
- You can then search and filter through your list of forms to select the ones that need to be finalized.
- Click the checkbox beside the forms you wish to select.
- Click the add form button or add all forms to add all the forms with the current filter.
- Click next to proceed.
- If you are completing a lot of forms, it may take some time. On this screen you can select “Email me once the job is completed”. Enter your email address.
- Click Start Finalize.