
To view your instructions and links:

  1. Click Administration
  2. Click Settings from the drop-down menu
  3. Click on the sub-navigation menu Resources

This section is where you will be able to post website links or PDF's (new Mobile 2.0) that will be visible on the mobile app and soon on all users Home Page. This could be your company’s website, video from the president, or training video for example. Instructions and links are the first item you see when logged onto the mySafetyApp, but you can also choose to not have this showing at all.

To Create a New Resource:

  • Click the Plus Icon in the top right corner of the page
  • Enter a Title to be displayed as the main name
  • Enter a Description (optional) that describes the nature of the resource
  • Paste in a URL / Link to the desired resource or upload the PDF
  • Choose to Publish the link on mobile or web or both
  • Click Confirm

You can now Edit your saved link by clicking the Edit Pencil beside that record, or you can permanently remove the link by clicking the Trash Can.

Note: if you only want to hide the link, you can update the status to Unpublished, by clicking Edit, then changing the status of the link.

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