Edit Company Profile

To update your company information:

  1. Click the Your Account button in the very top right of the screen
  2. Select Company Profile.

This page will allow you to update your company address, phone number and logo.

If you have made any changes to your company information, remember to click the Save button at the bottom of the page to commit your changes.

NOTE: The company logo here will appear within the top heading of 1Life Platform, as well as on any forms exported. If you have made any changes to this page, remember to save your changes by clicking Save at the bottom of this page.

To edit your company name you will need to contact 1Life Support.

Upload Company Icon

  1. Click Upload near the bottom of the page
  2. Select a file from your computer
  3. Click Open
  4. You will see a preview of your logo once it has been uploaded successfully

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