Release Notes - June 13, 2024

Feature Release

  1. As a web admin, I want the training records 60 day report to recertification date to be inclusive.
    • Implemented inclusive reporting for training records, ensuring the 60-day window to the recertification date includes the recertification date itself
  2. As a user looking at a form with a checkbox question, I should be able to set its optional answer.
    • Enabled optional answers for checkbox questions on forms, allowing users to provide additional context or information.
  3. As a web admin, I want a filter for form status when I am exporting and finalizing forms.
    • Added a form status filter in the export and finalize forms section to allow web admins to sort and manage forms based on their current status.
  4. As a web admin, if I remove a group from the available training record, then validation should be shown.
    • Introduced a validation message for web admins when removing a group from the available training record, ensuring data integrity and awareness.
  5. As a web admin, I want user groups to be removed from users when I deactivate them.
    • Automated the removal of user groups from users upon deactivation by a web admin, streamlining user management and security.
  6. As a Web Admin, I'd like to see corrective actions resolved since last reporting period from my email notification.
    • Updated email notifications to include a summary of corrective actions resolved since the last reporting period, providing web admins with timely and relevant information.
  7. As a web admin, I do not want non-web admins to have the ability to update the project of an assigned document once they submitted it.
    • Restricted the ability to update the project of an assigned document to web admins only, ensuring proper oversight and control over document assignments.

Bug Fixes

Filter Fixes:

  • Corrected the filtering logic for the Resolve Date filter to ensure accurate data display in the corrective action report.
  • Resolved the issue with the 'Recertification Date' range filter to ensure it properly filters Training Records.
  • Addressed the discrepancy in form counts by ensuring real-time updates when forms are added during export.
  • Modified the date filter logic to allow viewing users when the same date is selected for both To and From fields.

Training Record FIxes:

  • Fixed the grammatical error in the error message displayed when uploading oversized Training Records.
  • Fixed the issue where the mass-management of Training Records breaks when the dialog's X button is clicked.

Form Fixes:

  • Added validation to prevent form submission if required textfields are left empty.
  • Enabled section navigation by clicking on section names within the Form Builder.
  • Ensured the list of form template groups populates correctly in the mass edit form template pop-up after a search is performed.
  • Addressed the discrepancy in form counts by ensuring real-time updates when forms are added during export.
  • Enforced a character limit on form template names during duplication to prevent names exceeding 500 characters.

Error Messages and Validations:

  • Implemented checks to handle scenarios where form template elements are accessed after their template or section has been deleted by another user and added error handling to manage attempts to edit or delete form template sections when the form template has been deleted by another user.
  • Ensured proper context handling to prevent error pop-ups when accessing form links for different companies including new email template identifying the company and error message instructing the user to look at the email.
  • Implemented proper session handling to prevent error emails from being triggered during logout while the forms page is loading.
  • Added error handling to prevent attempts to preview deleted form templates, displaying a more informative message instead.
  • Updated validation to provide specific error messages when adding or editing questions in a form template without a section name.
  • Implemented validation messages during mass user uploads for hire dates that fall outside the allowed date range.

Search Fixes:

  • Repaired the form export search functionality to ensure it works correctly.
  • Restored the search functionality in the mass archive tab, allowing web admins to search for forms using the search bar.
  • Added validation messages for the Hire Date text field during mass user edits when the date is out of the allowed range.


  • Updated breadcrumb logic to correctly display the current form's breadcrumbs when navigating directly to a form's URL.
  • Improved UI handling for long project names to ensure they display correctly in the breadcrumb section and project listing.
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