Admin Dashboard

General Features

  1. Requiring my Attention: Show up if you have items that are still requiring your attention, such as training courses that were assigned, forms that require your review, documents that still need to be signed, and outstanding tasks or to-do items.
  2. Quick Action - Fill out Form: We added a new button that will make it easier to fill out forms using the web tools, simply click 'Fill Out New Form' and select the form template to get started.
  3. Date Range Selection: You can now pick a specific date range for your dashboard cards, allowing you to focus on the data that matters most to you.
  4. Manage your Team: If you are a supervisor and have other users that are assigned to you, you will be able to see their data on the dashboard, such as all the outstanding forms for your entire team.

Status Cards

  1. Form Status Card: Monitor form statuses to see how many forms have been submitted, reviewed or finalized.
  2. Form Corrective Actions Card: Keep tabs on resolved or unresolved corrective actions associated with forms.
  3. Training Record Status Card: Monitor the status of training records and easily see how many courses are completed or expired.
  4. Assigned Document Status Card: See how many documents have been assigned verses how many have been signed and submitted.
  5. Online Course Status Card: Monitor the status of online courses with ease, including the number of assigned, passed, in-progress, failed, and expired courses.
  6. Assigned Form Status Card: Keep track of assigned forms and their status, such as those that are created, waiting to sync, synced, and done or completed forms.
  7. Document Status Card: Gain insights into the status of your internal documents, including the number of uploaded, replaced and deleted documents.
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