Release Notes - December 8, 2023

Our team has been hard at work to bring you innovative features and enhancements that we believe will elevate your experience with our products. These updates aim to address your feedback and enhance the overall functionality, ensuring that our solutions continue to meet and exceed your expectations.

Dashboard - Release 1 out of 6

  1. Date Range Selection for Dashboard Cards: As a web admin, you can now pick a specific date range for your dashboard cards, allowing you to focus on the data that matters most to you.
  2. Default Dashboard Screen for Web Administrators: When you log in as a web administrator, your default screen will now be the dashboard, ensuring seamless and quick access to essential information.
  3. Quick Action Menu on Dashboard: Enjoy a more streamlined experience with a quick action menu on your dashboard, providing easy access to frequently used functions.
  4. Attention-Grabbing Panel for Users: Users now have a dedicated panel on the dashboard highlighting items that require their attention, enhancing awareness and responsiveness.
  5. Form Status Card: Web administrators can now monitor form statuses directly from the dashboard, facilitating efficient tracking and management.
  6. Form Corrective Actions Card: Keep tabs on corrective actions associated with forms through the dedicated card on the dashboard.
  7. Training Record Status Card: Track the status of training records effortlessly with the new training record status card on your dashboard.
  8. Assigned Document Status Card: Stay informed about assigned documents and their statuses through the dedicated card on your dashboard.
  9. Online Course Status Card: Monitor the status of online courses with ease using the newly added online course status card.
  10. Assigned Form Status Card: Keep track of assigned forms and their status directly from your dashboard, ensuring a comprehensive overview.
  11. Document Status Card: Gain insights into the status of documents through the dedicated card on your dashboard, promoting effective document management.

We believe these enhancements will significantly improve your experience with our platform. As always, your feedback is crucial to us.

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! As we are moving forward with Dashboards, what do you see the information reporting, how, and what else?

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Priority Fixes:

  1. Scheduler Menu Accessibility:
    • As a web admin, if I do not have access to the scheduler, the option in the menu is disabled (Light Grey and not clickable).
  2. Training Record Enhancements:
    • On the training record, update the "Create Date" column to "Created Date."
  3. User Assignment UX:
    • During user assignment, text entered in the Employee name field does not clear out once the assignment is done or the user closes the pop-up.
  4. Contractor Visibility:
    • As a web admin, expired contractors should be highlighted in red for better visibility.
  5. Project Update Issue:
    • The list of projects does not populate when the web admin user tries to update the project of the filled-out form.

User Interface and Functionality:

  1. Contact Dropdown Issue:
    • Newly added contacts while signing off the document are not shown under the "Select a contact" drop-down.
  2. Training Record Report Access:
    • The web admin user is not able to view the training record report of an inactive user.
  3. Settings Toggle Persistence:
    • In Settings, the "User Filters" and "Show Instructions and Links" toggle always turns back to the disabled state, even though it was enabled originally.
  4. Pagination and Record Display:
    • Incorrect pagination count is shown, and "No Record Found" is displayed, even though there are records to display.

Document Library and Filled-Out Form Issues:

  1. File Handling in Document Library:
    • In the document library, a File Not Found error is shown if a user clicks on the previous revision file name in the history.
  2. Assigned Document Error:
    • File Not Found is displayed to the user when they click on the assigned document.
  3. Filter Count Persistence:
    • On the Filled-out Form page, the count shown next to the filter options does not reappear when the user collapses and expands the filter.

User Management and Permissions:

  1. Watcher List Order:
    • As a web admin adding a watcher, the list should be alphabetical.
  2. Form Tag Selection:
    • Form tags added while filling out a form should be shown as selected once added successfully.
  3. Supervisor Warning Prompt:
    • A warning prompt ("Supervisor to any employee(s) going to be automatically removed") is shown to the web admin while granting supervisor permission to a user from the user details page.

Administrative and System Integration:

  1. Inactive User Documents:
    • As a web admin/supervisor, I do not want to see inactive people's assigned documents.
  2. Manual Document Assignment Notification:
    • No email is generated when a document has been assigned manually to the user.

System Stability and Data Management:

  1. Data Sync and Permissions:
    • Investigate and resolve issues related to CHT, scheduler, contractor data, and LMS due to invalid permissions.
  2. Email Address Validation:
    • Email addresses with an Apostrophe(') should be accepted as a valid email address while creating/editing a user.

Additional Functionalities:

  1. Mass Detach Functionality:
    • As a Web Admin, I'd like to mass-detach users, documents, and courses from groups.
  2. Document Preview and User Authentication:
    • As a regular user, I want to be able to view documents and training directly in the web tool.
  3. User Permission Update and Placeholder Text:
    • As a web admin, update the order of permissions, and update the placeholder on the first name and last name text fields while creating or editing the user.

Urgent Bug Fixes:

  1. Mobile App Login Issue:
    • The user gets the error "Mobile permission needed" when trying to log in to the 1Life app.
  2. Login Information Sync:
    • When opening two tabs with different login information and refreshing the first tab, it changes the information to the latest login.

These tasks are crucial for improving our platform's functionality, and I appreciate your prompt attention to them. If you have any questions or need further clarification on any item, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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