Clearing Your Cache

You may ask, "Why do I need to clear my cache on my mobile device?"

There are a few reasons that may include the following;

  1. Your web administrator has archived documents and forms, yet they still show on your mobile device.
  2. There have been updates in the document library and you are not seeing these changes or you are seeing duplicates
  3. You were previously attached to specific projects and now can not see the new projects, specific training records and/or completed forms.
  4. The app is not syncing correctly for unknown reasons.

If any of the above conditions exist, we would ask that you clear your cache.

This can be done in a couple of different ways and the simplest is the following;

  1. log out of 1Life App
  2. click on 'Switch Server' at the bottom of the screen

  1. select '1Life Quality Assurance' (bottom one)
  2. the pop-up box, click on 'Switch'

  1. on the login screen, click on 'Switch Server'
  2. the pop-up box, click on 'Switch'
  3. select '1Life Workplace Safety Solutions Ltd' (top one)
  4. use your credentials to log in


  • if you can not see the Switch Server due to your keyboard covering the text, simply click next until your keyboard disappears.
  • if your credentials do not work, ensure you are on the 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions app and not on the 1Life Quality Assurance.

Your device will do a complete sync and gather the updated files, documents, training records, and forms.

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