How to Action Your Requiring My Attention

A red icon will appear on the main navigation bar on Documents when you have items that require your attention. Simply follow the red icon.

Requiring My Attention Page

Here you will find all your items to complete (forms, documents, courses and tasks). Simply click on the item will navigate you to the action item.  Once you have completed all of your action items the red icon will be removed from the main navigation. 


In the forms box, you will see forms that have been assigned to you for follow-up actions, to review, or to complete.

To action the form, click on the name.


Documents that you have been assigned to you for review and sign-off are found in your documents box.

Simply click on the name, review the document, and sign off on the completed by line.


Tasks are items that need to be completed and may consist of documents, training, and checklist items. Documents and Online Training will be automatically checked off, once you complete them on the system. Check box items will be checked off by the web administrator.

The software administrator has set due dates for the tasks to be completed. You will see their respective due dates listed below the task name.


Clicking on the course will take you into the course.

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